Scientific outputs

An overview of BIBS latest publications!

Our research and developments

Multimodal imaging

  • Legland, D. (2024) X-ray synchrotron microtomography reveals cellular morphology of developing wheat grain. International Conference on Bread and Cereals, Nantes (FR). 2024/04/24

Structural & compositional analysis of biopolymers

  • Ropartz, D. (2024). Recent developments in mass spectrometry to meet the analytical challenges in Glycosciences. [Advances in Glycosciences, Paris (FR) : 2024/03/05-06]
  • Le Gall, S. (2024) Analyse des oligosaccharides de laits animal et humain par chromatographie liquide à interaction hydrophile : une approche pour l’exploration de la diversité et impact de l’alimentation. Gen2Bio 2024, Saint-Malo (FR). 2024/03/14

Our expertise contributions

Multimodal imaging

  • Richely, E.; Shah, D.; Durand, S.; Gager, V.; Goudenhooft, C.; Pantaloni, D.; Ngoubou, D.; Chevallier, S.; Dhakal, H.; Guessasma, S.; Sibout, R.; Lapierre, C.; Legland, D.; Blès, G.; Beaugrand, J. ; Bourmaud, A. , 2024. Bark cloth structure and properties: a naturally occurring fabric and ancestral textile craft from Uganda. Industrial Crops and Products, 215, 118613.

Structural & compositional analysis of biopolymers

  • Le Bourgot, C., Lollier, V., Richer, Y., Thoulouze, L., Svilar, L., Le Gall, S., Blat, S., Le Huërou-Luron, I., 2024. Maternal short chain fructo-oligosaccharides supplementation during late gestation and lactation influences milk components and offspring gut metabolome: a pilot study. Sci. Rep. 14, 4236.
  • Locali-Pereira, A. R., Caruso, Í. P., Rabesona, H., Laurent, S., Meynier, A., Kermarrec, A., Birault, L., Geairon, A., Le Gall, S.Thoulouze, L., Solé-Jamault, V., Berton-Carabin, C., Boire, A., Nicoletti, V. R. 2024. Pre-treatment effects on the composition and functionalities of pigeon pea seed ingredients. Food Hydrocolloids, 152, 109923.

Past production :  2023202220212020  

Modification date: 07 May 2024 | Publication date: 04 June 2013 | By: BIBS