How to cite us?

How to cite BIBS in scientific publications

BIBS must appear clearly in any communication or publication citing some results obtained with the support of the platform.

Contact us to check how the platform is cited in your article!

In the Acknowledgments (or Mat & et Meth. section) :

According to the agreement made with BIBS when the project started ("collaborative project", in particular):

BIBS people must be co-authors of the article according to the affiliation below:

  • Authors : Last Name, First Name (1,2)
  • (1) INRAE, UR BIA, F-44316 Nantes, France
  • (2) INRAE, PROBE research infrastructure, BIBS facility, F-44316 Nantes, France

Modification date: 03 January 2024 | Publication date: 17 April 2021 | By: BIBS