Access to our services

Make a request to the platform for your project!

Contact us by email : contacts-bibs[at]

We will get back to you quickly with a feasibility estimate, quotation & schedule!

Access conditions and prices: 

  • BIBS welcomes projects in its field of expertise: the physicochemical characterization of raw or processed bioresources, at the molecular, cellular & tissue scale.
  • The platform is available to research actors from the public and private sectors
  • The platform provides analytical support in the form of a service or research collaboration. The nature of the contribution is defined in agreement with the applicant at the start of the project.
  • The term "research collaboration" means an investment of the platform at the scientific and technological level in the project. It commits the applicant to recognize this involvement when valuing the results (see: How to cite us).
  • BIBS services are billed. BIBS has estimated its operating costs and has set pricing rates according to: i) the nature of the achievement (service or research collaboration); ii) the affiliation of the applicant (academic or private sector, in particular). 
  • If we are able to meet your needs, we will send detailed proposition and quotation for approval, as well as a schedule of the work.

Start of the project: 

  • The start of the project requires that BIBS has received an order form corresponding to the established quotation.
  • The platform may agree with the applicant that he/she makes human resources available to help carry out the project. In that case, these people will be trained and supervised by BIBS to handle all or part of the work.

BIBS is accredited according to ISO9001 (v.2015)


Check our certificate

Modification date: 03 January 2024 | Publication date: 17 April 2021 | By: BIBS